One of the primary reasons employees quit is that they feel underappreciated and undervalued by their manager.
According to Andrew Greenwood, Director of Sales & Service at Workstars; a poll conducted by Gallup in the U.S. of over one million workers found that leaving a bad manager was the number one reason why workers quit, with 75% of those who left voluntarily doing so because of their “boss” and not the job itself.
Their relationship with their direct line manager is critical to employee success, including productivity, morale, and engagement. But a breakdown of that relationship, for whatever reason, can lead to mistrust, anxiety and job dissatisfaction. A more recent study released this year by CareerAddict of 1,000 workers found that 79% would consider bad leadership as a factor in deciding to quit. Conversely, four in ten went so far as to say they would return to their old job if their former boss were replaced.
So, next time you get a resignation, according to Greg Savage, resist the temptation to laugh it off as “another dumbo who doesn’t get us.” It’s not the departing employee who doesn’t “get it.” It’s not the company they are leaving; it’s the leadership.
The impact of great and poor Leadership is huge upon workers.
They become their leaders!
Since we live in a society that: 'loves to blame others instead of accepting their own responsibility and taking some reasonable accountability for their actions and decisions'. We are left with leaders that should realize they are held more accountable than their workers. However, policies will not save a deteriorating culture. It is the character, communication and communication of the leader that counts. Their integrity to be a person of their word.
Workers although not always perfect hold these values unconsciously above all else.
They will leave when these values are breach beyond repair.
David Nancarrow
Author Core Value Therapy
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