Have you ever had the honor and privilege to work with truly inspirational leaders?
If you have, you know they all have similar characteristics that always seek to inspire and motivate people to become the best version of themselves. For many people, it's easy to bark out orders, boss people around and create an environment of fear to get things done, but these leaders are different; they have a great energy about them that inspires the best in you. They lead by example, show appreciation for their teams, and don't allow their position of authority to make them feel that they are better than anyone else.
Becoming a great leader requires work; it's not an overnight thing. You will have some very challenging days, and sometimes, you may even have doubts about your ability to lead. Dont be too hard on yourself; it's a natural part of the process. Never lose hope, hold onto your faith and continue your leadership development because every incremental improvement brings you one step closer to becoming truly an inspirational leader.