When mistakes are made, our actions shift from doing the right thing to covering our behinds, pointing fingers rather than accepting personal responsibility, hiding errors rather than fixing them, and allowing small problems to become big ones because they’re inadequately addressed.
The result is that learning is brought to a complete standstill, making it more than likely to repeat the same mistake. It shouldn’t be that way. The time has come to view every mistake as an opportunity rather than a weakness. This change in outlook will stimulate personal growth, strengthen relationships, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
The truth is that there shouldn’t be shame in making a mistake. How will you learn? How will you grow if you are so afraid to try something new? Chances are it may not work out, but that's life; there's no disgrace in that; the disgrace should be in failing to admit, correct, and learn from it. According to Albert Einstein, a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Credits: Frank Sonnenberg
I have made some huge mistakes and my family and I has suffered for it. So the shame gets piled on.wm What is the worst is I had to lie just to beable to help the guy I fell in love with. Now the last few day I have felt every lie I had to tell and every lie i was told. Now I have to figure out where to go from here.
I once created a business selling canned oxygen. Possibly a mistake. The Youtube channel achieved 6 million views, but it was not a sustainable business. Shame.