Many people are promoted or recruited into leadership positions without understanding the fundamental philosophy of leadership;
It’s all about people.
According to Jim Harter, Gallup’s Chief Scientist, it is the rite of passage in most organizations to promote someone based on their performance on the job. So if you are very good at sales, or accounting, or any number of specialties–and stay around a long time, the next step in your progression is to be promoted to manager.
But the talents that make a person successful in a previous, non-management role are rarely the same ones that will make them excel as a manager or a leader. When you are the leader, you are no longer responsible for doing the job. You are now responsible for inspiring, coaching, mentoring and motivating your team to become the best version of themselves which will help them produce their very best work.
That’s why we have many companies grossly over-managed and severely under-led. When a leader can inspire and empower their team to become the best version of themselves, you will have a group of people committed to helping the organization achieve their purpose while producing incredible results to the astonishment of many.
Hola Gifford Thomas Y también saludo al resto de los presentes. Gracias por darme la oportunidad de participar en vuestro grupo. Antes de intervenir de nuevo quería presentarme. Soy español y como sé poco de inglés, tengo que ayudarme con el traductor. Si cometo algún error os pido disculpas pues no será intencionado. No sé si soy líder, seguidor o prudente pero me gusta ir despacio en terreno desconocido y observar el comportamiento de los demás. No por copiar o agradar sin más. Sino por no desagradar por entrar de frente. Como no tengo nada que ocultar suelo hablar de más la primera vez y hay gente que eso no lo entiende y prefiere una interacción pausada, alterna y prudente. Yo prefiero abarcar y conocer a más gente, no…