Leadership has nothing to do with your title.
All a title does is provide you with the potential to lead, but it does not make you a leader. You don't suddenly become a leader just because you have a fancy new title. People follow leaders because of their values, vision, passion, purpose, inspiration, and many more.
It's not about rank, power, or your place on the org chart or creating a fearful and intimidating environment for people to work. Oh no, leadership is all about inspiring people to believe in themselves, to believe in their gifts, to believe in their potential, and to believe in something much greater than their own self-preservation. When you have that type of influence and people choose to follow you voluntarily, you are on the road to becoming a great leader.
Leadership has nothing to do with your title.
Imagine a world where we can all be the CEO of our personal life with a growth mindset. 🦋