Gifford Thomas

Oct 27, 20203 min

Great Leaders Inspire Their People To Believe In The Impossible

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On the 28th of August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired people around the world with a message of peaceful resistance and racial equality. His famous speech, “I HAVE A DREAM,” which he gave in front of the Lincoln Memorial, on August 28th, 1963, to a crowd of over 200,000 people, helped inspire the world to think differently about race. He inspired people by his non-violence approach to his protest, and he inspired people to dream of a world where "little white boys and little white girls, will be able to hold hands with little black boys and black girls, as sisters and brothers." 

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a great pioneer who helped bring an end to apartheid in South Africa. Although he was imprisoned for 27 years due to his anti-apartheid actions, he was released and later became his country’s first black president in 1994. Mandela inspired the world with his advocacy for peace, racial unity, social justice, and forgiveness. He was a champion of the people and spent 95 years building his legacy until he died in 2013.

Mahatma Gandhi

Who would have imagined that the shy and introverted boy who refused to stay back after school to interact with his classmates for fear of being laughed at would be able to speak with such eloquence and persuasion, winning over the whole nation in his pursuit of India’s independence? Who would have expected the young timid lawyer, who scrammed the courtrooms at the slightest tinge of fear, to stand up against tyranny and injustice, to become the principal figurehead of the Indian’s independence movement, inspiring people to believe that the impossible is possible? 

What are you afraid of? What or who is holding you back from fulfilling your purpose. 

Why do you allow someone's opinion of you to become your reality and settle for a life far below your God-given potential? Great leaders are great for a reason; they can take the direst situation and turn it into a positive to the astonishment of many people. But more than that, they can inspire a group of people to believe in something beyond their limited beliefs of themselves. 

To become a great and inspirational leader, you cannot allow your life to be ruled by people and events; you must own your leadership by empowering and pushing yourself to follow that dream and feeling in your heart. All the great leaders I listed above all of them push through their fears to inspire the world. You can do the same as well. 

It has nothing to do with having power over someone; it's about using your influence to inspire and empower your people to achieve the impossible. This perception that leadership is about leading by force or fear is dead, and if you still have this thinking, you will not attract the best people in your business, and the few that stay will be average at best.

As leaders, we must remember that our people are the heart and soul of our business, and to give our team the very best version of our leadership, continuous self-development is paramount. Leading is a privilege, and true leadership is all about people and inspiring people to believe that the impossible is possible; when leaders can inspire a group of people to perform beyond their normal limitation, great things will happen, and as a result, you can now make a difference in the lives of your team, your community, your country and by extension the world.

Bob Proctor once said faith and fear ask you to believe in something you cannot see, you choose. What will be your choice? Do you choose fear and continue to live a mediocre life trying to please everyone and afraid to make changes in your life, or do you choose faith and live a life of purpose that can inspire the world to believe in the impossible. 

Can you inspire your team's hearts and minds every day?

Inspiration creates the highest levels of engagement, it is what separates the best leaders from everyone else, and it is what employees want most in their leaders. The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team To Believe In The Impossible was written to help all leaders successfully navigate all the disruptions in today fiercely competitive world we need a new generation of leaders who care deeply for the well-being of their team and who understand that their people are the heart of their leadership. Each chapter in this book will push you to become the leader you were destined to be; a leader of influence, a leader of value, a leader of vision, and most importantly, an inspirational leader. 

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